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Covid-19 Mitigation Procedures

As always, the safety of our students and staff is a top priority. In alignment with CDC and State of Pennsylvania, ReMix Dance Collective is implementing safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which includes:

  • Superior UV Cleaning - Specialized UVC cleaning will take place every Monday throughout our entire building! Click HERE to find out more about UVC cleaning and it's effectiveness.

  • ReMix staff will frequently clean and disinfect high touch-point surfaces throughout each day, such as waiting rooms, restrooms, all studios spaces, handrails, tables, faucets, doorknobs, and shared equipment. 

  • Staff is required to wear a mask as directed by CDC/ State guidelines. 

  • Mask or face covering for participants is voluntary for those ages 15 and under. As recommendations are updated, we will adjust this rule as appropriate.

  • Staff is screened daily for signs and symptoms of Covid-19 using the CDC checklist before they may enter the program.

  • Staff members are required to stay home if they are feeling ill and/ or if they are directly exposed to anyone with Covid-19.

  • Staff and students will practice good hand hygiene. Washing hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, including before and after classes/lessons.

  • Hand sanitizing station will be installed at our main entrance. 

  • Studios will be equipped with cleaning supplies and sanitizer. 

  • Staff will be required to sanitize studios (door handles, sinks, tables, equipment, supplies) both before and after use..

  • Class sizes will be limited based on studio size in order to maintain the CDC recommended social distancing. 

  • There will be no shared materials/ surfaces without proper CDC recommended cleaning of them in-between use. 

  • For children, 6+ parents will be asked to drop-off without entering the building. Except in cases of special need, please speak to your teacher. 

  • Students should show up ready for class without the need to change in the bathroom (carry in your dance shoes).

  • Movement in hallways, bathrooms, etc. will be timed to keep groups separated with appropriate separation and disinfection.

We are very appreciative of your support and patience as we work through this unprecedented situation.

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